Songs created, compiled and sung...badly...by the House of Kiln |
All translations and filk on this page, unless otherwise noted, are the intellectual property of Jim Colvill, Permission for use is granted as long as credit is given to the artists listed. All applicable records are filed with the Imperial Registry who become very upset over theft and have been known to commit assorted acts of mayhem to include dismemberment, disfigurement, humilation and in some cases total destruction of the biosphere of the planet. Be warned. |
It's been a good run since we started back in February of 2002. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. I thank the staff at Sabala's Mt. Tabor for one last go at performing. Who knows, we may show up at a bar near you. But for now it is for other warriors to take up the gauntlet. Thanks to the fans for all the fun and enjoy the memories here. Qaolin. |
Get all your Klingon language needs from the Klingon Language Institute
thlIngan Hol yIjHaD : www.kli.org |
Lyrics by Kaolin ,son of Kiln
Oh wreck of Starship Enterprise,
How still we see thee lie
We tried to tell your Captain Kirk
It was a good day to die.
You've done six five year missions
This was your final leg
And now, at last , you understand
bIjeghbe'chugh vaj Hegh
The Battle of Deep Space Nine
a filk by qargh mu'toHpuqloD ( aka Jerry Angle)
In twenty three seventy four we took a little trip
Along with General Martok in his mighty fighting ship
We took along some gagh and a barrel of bloodwine
and we fought the bloody Jemmies in the Battle of DS9
We fired our guns and the Jemmies kept a'commin'
There wansn't quite as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to beamin'
off the captured station with their Cardy scum in tow
We looked at our viewscreens and we saw the Jemmies there
There must have been twelve hundred ships, give or take a pair
Their warp core signatures made our sensors sing
We sat behind our consoles and we didn't say a thing
We fired our guns and the Jemmies kept a'commin'
There wansn't quite as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to beamin'
off the captured station with their Cardy scum in tow
The General said we could take'em by surprise
If we didn't drop our cloaks 'till we looked 'em in the eyes
We kept our cloak 'till we saw their eyeballs swell
And when we finally opened up , we really gave them, wellll...
We fired our guns and the Jemmies kept a'commin'
There wansn't quite as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to beamin'
off the captured station with their Cardy scum in tow
They beamed from the holds and they beamed from the pylons
They beamed from the galleys where a tribble couldn't go
They beamed so fast that our targs couldn't catch 'em
Off the captured station with their Cardy scum in tow
We fired our disruptors 'till the barrels melted down
So we grabbed us a Ferengi and we fought another round
We filled his head with fletchette rounds and powdered up his robes
And when we touched the powder off the carcass blew it's lobes
We fired our guns and the Jemmies kept a'commin'
There wansn't quite as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to beamin'
off the captured station with their Cardy scum in tow
They beamed from the holds and they beamed from the pylons
They beamed from the galleys where a tribble couldn't go
They beamed so fast that our targs couldn't catch 'em
Off the captured station with their Cardy scum in tow
wa', cha', wej, loS pejach! Q'apla!

The following songs were translated from English into Klingon. While they will not appeal to the HolQeD purists in the empire, keep in mind that popular songs on Earth are not written in the high tongue either. It is extremely tricky to make the Klingon lyrics fit the tune and yet still be understood. I think these are a good attempt and present them here for your enjoyment. Each has a MIDI file link which you can click on for musical accompaniment.
Translated by Kaolin, son of Kiln
first sung in public at the Sheridan Days parade ( Sheridan, Or) june 2000.
We were so lucky to have the Kells bagpipe band ahead of us. This sings well
with bagpipe and drums accompianment
The minstrel boy to the war has gone
In the ranks of Death you will find him
His father's sword he has girded on
and his wild harp slung behind him
Land of song, said the warrior bard,
tho' all the world betray thee
one sword, at least, thy rights shall guard
one faithful harp shall praise thee |
noHdaq loDHom lutbomwI' jaHta'
wey Heghta'Daq Daqavna
batlhetlh vavDaj 'e' tuqmoHta'
ej Diron'oy DubDaq tuqchu'
puH bommey 'Ipta' SuvbomwI'
qoHochlI lImaghnavIStaH
batlhlIj avtaH bej wa' batlhetlh
'ej wa' DIron lIquvmoHtaH
Kaolin belts it out....Ol' Blue Eyes is back
How in the name of Kahless did a Warrior end up in this position?
After escaping a Jem Hadar patrol sometime in 2375 , Kaolin and his crew found themselves taking their battered ship into a seemingly innocent gaseous anomaly. The anomoly turned out to be an unstable temporal vortex which threw the hapless crew into Sector 001 of the Alpha Quadrant and nearly 400 years in the past. Replacement parts for a B'rel class bird of prey are hard to come by in this time period and traditional Klingon interpersonal skills were ineffective, Kaolin had to resort to non -traditional methods to procure the material and kill time waiting for engineers and technologhy to catch up . Outnumbered by primitave Dirters and without a way back to their proper dimension, the intrepid warriors of the House of Kiln found themselves in a precarious position. Then they learned of another dimensional portal in a Portland, Oregon nightclub. This portal, unfortunately, turned out to be a one-way wormhole allowing aliens to come in but not to leave.
So now, Kaolin is trapped. But a warrior makes the best of any situation. By presenting a good face to the primitave Dirters, Kaolin primes them for the eventual take-over by the empire....In fact , the Dirters will beg for it. Then Kaolin will achieve the glory that is his due. taHjaj wo' ! Kai Kassai Kaolin
My Way
Revaux/ Francois/ Anka
Translation by Kaolin
This is not a Literal translation but the spirit of the song is there.
Some words were changed for lack of a corresponding Klingon word.
Kaolin sang this at Norwescon 24. It brought the house down
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, i'll say it clear
I'll state my case of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I've travelled each and ev'ry Highway
But more,much more than this
I did it my way.
Regrets, I've had a few
but then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charte course
Each careful step along the byway
But more, much more than this
I did it my way.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way
I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fill, my share of losing
and now, as tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way
No, oh no not me
I did it my way
For what is a man , What has he got
If not himself, then he has naught
to say the things hes truly feels
and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows, I took the blows
and did it my way
toH, DaH, Hopbe' mevwI
vangQavqoq vIlegh 'je
jupwI, Huvchu' qajatlh
ta'meywIjna' jIjatlh
yIn'ov jIyInta'
Hoch Daqmey jIlengta'
ach pup, ach pupchu'
pItlh DawIj
paymey, puSvIghaj
ach puSHom vItoghQo'
QuvwIj jIvangta'
HutlhmoS jIHeQta'
Hoch Hemmey jInabta'
Hoch yep Qod nabta' je
ach pup, ach pupchu'
pItlh DawIj
HIja poHmey, bISovbejta'
law' 'a' jIchoplaw'ta'
ach Honmey ghajchugh
jISopta' ej jIthlhISHur
jISub jen jIQan je
ej pItlh DawIj
jIbang, jIHagh, jISaQ
jeymey juvwIj vIghajta'
ej DaH vetlh nup tiq 'oy
qIDlaw' Hoch jItu'
Qub Hoch Dochmey jIvum
jIjatlhjaj Dapujbe'
ghobe', ghobe', not jIH
pItlh DawIj
nuq loD 'a', nuq ghaj 'a'
batlhbe'chugh vaj pagh ghaj
vIt Dochmey 'e' Sov jatlh
not mu'mey jeghwIDa
QonoS tob, HIvmey jIjey
pItlh DawIj
Bad to the Bone
as recorded by George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Translation by Kaolin,
In January, 2002, Clyde Lewis and I started a SciFi night at a Bodacious Classics, a local Portland night club. We started an act called Klingon Karaoke (borrowing the term from the event at Norwescon 24) as a fun thing. It took off. Needing more material, I translated another karaoke standard into Klingon.
On the day I was born The nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder At the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up And she said leave this one alone
She could tell right away That I was bad to the bone
Bad to the bone Bad to the bone B-B-B-B-Bad to the bone
B-B-B-B-Bad B-B-B-B-Bad Bad to the bone
I broke a thousand hearts Before I met you
I'll break a thousand more Baby Before I am through
I wanna be your's pretty baby Your's and your's alone
I'm here to tell ya honey That I'm bad to the bone Bad to the bone B-B-B-Bad B-B-B-Bad B-B-B-Bad Bad to the bone
I make a rich woman beg I'll make a good woman steal
I'll make an old woman blush And make a young woman squeal
I wanna be your's pretty baby Your's and your's alone
I'm here to tell ya honey That I'm bad to the bone
B-B-B-B-Bad B-B-B-B-Bad B-B-B-B-Bad Bad to the bone
(solo two)
And when I walk the streets Kings and Queens step aside
Every woman I meet They all stay satisfied
I wanna tell ya pretty baby Well Ya see I make my own
I'm here to tell ya honey That I'm bad to the bone
Bad to the bone B-B-B-B-Bad B-B-B-Bad B-B-B-Bad Bad to the bone
jIboghta'DI', Hoch ajmaHpu ma'Dech
Quchjey tu'ta' je, tIn poS mInDu'chaj
toH yIDoHqu'! nujatlh ra'wI'
muthlojbejta' HomDaq qab
HomDaq jIqab, HomDaq jIqab,
qqqqqab,qqqqab,HomDaq jIqab
wa'SanID tIqDu',bIghoSpa jIghor
cha'SanID tIqDu, jImevpa jIghor
be''IH choghajtaH, bIneH choghaj
bang 'oy qajatlh, HomDaq jIqab
HomDaq jIqab,qqqqab,qqqqab, HomDaq jIqab
(mob Hom)
be'mIp vIqoy'moH, be' maj vInIHmoH
be' qan vIthlu'moH, be'Qup vISaQmoH
be' 'IH choghajtaH, bIneH choghaj
bang 'oy qajatlh, HomDaq jIqab
qqqqab, qqqqab,qqqqab....HomDaq jIqab
(mob 'a')
ta'pu je ta'be' muDoHvIp
Hoch be'pu vIghom vIyontaHDI'
be' 'IH vIjatlh , HochwI' jIghaj
bang 'oy qajatlh, HomDaq jIqab
HomDaq jIqab, qqqqab, qqqqab, qqqqab,
HomDaq jIqab
The crew of the PKV Rut'leDj and associates enjoy a refueling stop at Bodacious Classics.
Klingonwarrior's Lament
Yes, I know. This one is not a translation but a rewrite, or filk, The most unusual feature here is the fact that it, for the most part rhymes when sung in Klingon.
They took the whole Klingon Defense Force
and put it behind the Neutral Zone
May we regain our traditions
the batletlhs and our d'k'tags
They make the Klingon tongue unimportant
and teach their language to our children
All the men we killed,
we now serve racht to their children
Klingon warriors, we will not surrender
we live with honor, we die with honor
The took the whole Klingon Empire
and gave us their Khitomer accords
and that peace makes us cry
I remain undoubtably a Klingon warrior
Klingon warriors, we will not surrender
we live with honor, we die with honor
but someday they will learn
we are Klingons and we continue to fightI
Hoch thlIngan Hubbeq luthlapta'
je neHmeH 'emDaq lulanta'
lurDechmeymaj DIlujHa'jaj
betleHmey ej daqtahgmeymaj
thlIngan ta' Hol lupuSmoH
puqmaj Holchaj lughojmoH
'ej Hoch loDpu' law' DIHoHta'
DaH racht e' puqpu'chaj DIjab
SuvwI'pu' thlIngan, not majegh
batlh mayIn, batlh maHegh
Hoch thlIngan wo' luthlapta'
mablIj QI'tomer lunobta'
'ej roj maghaj 'e' nuSaQmoH
thlIngan SuvwI' bej mataH
SuvwI'pu' thlIngan, not majegh
batlh mayIn, batlh maHegh
'ach leSlaw DIghoj chaq
thlIngan maH je maSuvtaH, maSuvtaH
maSuvtaH, maSuvtaH, maSuvtaH
The Klingon Baseball Song
Translation by Kaolin
HovpoH 10205.24 Kaolin is asked to sing a traditional song at an earther game called Baseball.
viewing the game and seeing it similar to a more bellicose Klingon version, Kaolin translates their song
into the Imperial tongue, albeit with a decidedly warrior flavor.
Thanks to Dream Weaver , the Portland Beavers and the LasVegas 51's for a fantastic alien invasion evening at
PGE Park. I still refuse to do YMCA....will not do it.
Take me out to the ball game
Take me out with the crowd
buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks,
I don't care if we ever get back
It's root, root , root for the home team
If they don't win it's a shame,
for it's one, two , three strikes you're out
At the old, ball game.
beySbol Quj Daq majaH
pa' ghom'a' DItlhej
lengSop lengthlutlth je yIje'
mev notjaj taHjaj Qujmey
SuvwI'pu'maj DIquvmoH
'e' yayHa'chugh DIquvHa'
baHHa' wejlogh nIHoch
Daq beySbol QujlIj
We go to the baseball place
we accompany the crowd there
buy some travel food and drink
may it never end, may it continue
we honor our warriors
if they lose then they are dishonored
misfire three times , they kill you
at our baseball game
VeqlarghDaq yIjach
Translation by Kaolin
Shout at the Devil (Nikki Sixx)
''We have no devil, Kirk. But we are familiar with the habits of yours'' Klingon Commander Kang to Cpt. Kirk in the ST:OS episode ''Day of the Dove''
Kang was correct. Klingons have no devil; neither do they have gods. They do, however, have a creature known as Fek'lhr who guards the gates of Grethor, where the dishonored go after death.
A Klingon adaptation of Motley Crue's Shout at the Devil. Mind you, this is not a word for word translation. There is NO way the actual translation could track correctly. Essentially every other line of lyrics was transposed to Klingon in order to track correctly while being sung and yet still maintain the spirit of the Sixx's version. This was the winner at Klingon Karaoke at Norwescon 26 (2003)
ramDaq jach targh rur
rur ravDaq 'Iw 'e' taH
nepgachmeyDaj nIthlumoH
DublIjDaq taj 'e' taH
HeHtaj rur, QeH'a' taH
toH! yImajDaq mamob
'ach poHmeyDaq raghghach 'e' maQam
yIHoS, yIHagh 'ej
jach! jach! jach!
veqlarghDaq yIjach
mInpu'lIjDaq bang taHlI
joj Daq 'uSpulIj 'Iw 'e' taHli
vangtaH Da qoy' HoSlIj tob
Qong DaqDaq Seyghach 'e' chegh
DIngtaH nachwIj
'ach poHmeyDaq raghach 'e' maQam
yIHoS, yIHagh 'ej
jach! jach! jach!
veqlarghDaq yIjach
Like a targ screaming in the night
He's like blood on the floor
you are tempted by his deception
He is the knife in your back
He is as a knife's edge, He's rage
Oh! We are alone in our life
but in times of decay, we stand
Be strong and laugh
shout! shout!shout!
Shout at the Feklhr.
He's the love in your eyes
He's the blood between your legs
you beg for it to continue, your strength is tested. You undoubtedly have heard it.
He returns excitement to bed
My head spins continuously
but in times of decay, we stand
be strong and laugh
shout! shout! shout!
Shout at the feklhr.
Veng wa'DIch
bomvIlq thlIngan sung to the tune
Paradise City
from the Guns & Rose's album Appetite for Destruction
translation by Qaolin , HovpoH 10307.23
just a' urchin
living under the street
i'm a hard case
that's tough to beat
I'm your charity case
so buy me something to eat
I'll pay you at another time
take it to the end of the line
Rags to riches
so they say
ya gotta keep pushin'
for the fortune and fame
It's all a gamble
when it's just a game
ya' treat it like a capital crime
everybody's doin' their time.
Take me down to Paradise City
where the grass is green
and the girls are pretty
Take me home.
Strapped in the chair
of the city's gas chamber
Why I'm here I can't quite remember,
The surgeon general says
it's hazardous to breathe
I'd have another cigarette
but I can't see
Tell me who you're gonna believe
Take me down
To the paradise city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Take me home
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
Captain America's been torn apart
Now he's a court jester
with a broken heart
He said-
Turn me around and
take me back to the start
I must be losin' my mind-
"Are you blind?"
I've seen it all a million times
Take me down
To the paradise city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Take me home
I wanna go
I wanna go
Please take me home
I've gotta see
I've gotta see
please, please take me home
lengDaq bIng
yIn ghewrur
letpach jIH
Qatlh ghorlu'
qoywI'lI' jIH
Sop vay' choje'
rut qaDIl
mev loghDaq yItlhaplu'
"Duj yIvoq" mujatlhtaH
quvghach noyghach
Hoch SuDghach Soch
Quj moHDI' Hoch
rur HeS 'a' boQIHlu'
Hochpu'lu' bIj
veng wa'DIch
Daq cholup
pa' Iw' HIq SoD
HoS be'pu' ma'
juHDaq chotatlh
quS toQDuj
'e' muwegh
qatlh naDev jIba'
Sa' nujatlh
jaghpu' DIHoch
pagh nejwI' 'ang
'Iv Har ? tuja'
veng wa'DIch
Daq cholup
pa' Iw' HIq SoD
HoS be'pu' ma'
juHDaq chotatlh
HopDaq 'a'
HopDaq 'a'
HopDaq 'a'
HopDaq 'a' jay
ch'ImDIr qeylIS ta' soch
DaH HaghwI' rur
ghortIq ghajbej
Daq tulup
yabwIj jIchIlbej
leghHa' 'a'
'uy'logh jIleghta'
veng wa'DIch
Daq cholup
pa' Iw' HIq SoD
HoS be'pu' ma'
juHDaq chotatlh
ghoSlu' jI neH
ghoSlu' jIneH
juHDaq chotatlh
leghlu' jInIS
leghlu' jInIS
juHDaq chotatlh
under the road
living like a bug
I'm a hard claw
difficult to crack
I'm your beggar
buy me some food
sometimes I'll pay you
take it to the end of space
"trust your instincts" they say, you keep working for for honor and fame
Everything is a gamble
Everything is made a game
they treat it like a major crime.
Everyone suffers
The First City
transport me there
where bloodwine floods
the women are strong
take me home
they imprison me
in the chair of a Bird of Prey
Why I'm here, I don't know
the general says
we kill the enemy
sensors show nothing
Who to believe? tell me!
The First City
transport me there
where bloodwine floods
the women are strong
take me home
very far
very far
very far
very $*&^#(@ far
Kahless is an empty skin
He is like a jester
he has a broken heart
he said
to the beginning return me
I definitely lost my mind
are you sightless?
a million times I have seen it.
The First City
transport me there
where bloodwine floods
the women are strong
take me home
Alive or Dead
yIn ghap Hegh
Album: Slippery When Wet
J. Bon Jovi, R. Sambora
Filk & translation by Qaolin HovpoH 10308.22
It's all the same, only the names will change
Everyday it seems we're wasting away
I see cold faces everywhere
I'd fight all night
Just to get back home
I'm a warrior,
in a Bird of Prey I act (w/o a plan)
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive
Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days
And the people I meet sing another battle song
Sometimes you tell the day
By the bottle that you drink
And times when you're alone and all you do is think
I'm a warrior, in a Bird of Prey I act
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive
I walk these battlefields , a batlh'etlh on my back
I play for keeps, 'cause I might not make it back
I been everywhere, still I'm standing tall
I've seen a million foes
And I've slain them all
I'm a warrior, in a Bird of Prey I act
I'm wanted dead or alive
I'm a warrior, in a Bird of Prey I act
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive
Hoch raplu', neH choH pongmey
maraghtaHlaw' Hoch jajmey
lanmey Hoch, qabpu' bIr jIlegh
Hoch ram jISuvruptaHmeH
juHwIj jIchegh
SuvwI' jIH
toQDujDaq jIDegh
muneH ,yIn ghap Hegh
muneH ,yIn ghap Hegh
rut jIQong, rut jajmey jIQongbe'
may' bom pIn bom Hoch ghotpu' rut jajmey
balmeymo' vIthlutlh
'ej bImoblI' bIQubbejlaw'
SuvwI' jIH
toQDujDaq jIDegh
muneH, yIn ghap Hegh
muneH, yIn ghap Hegh
che'ronmeyDaq vIyIt. DubwIjDaq betleH
ghaytan jIcheghQo' reH jISuvchu'
DatDaq vIlengta' 'ej jIQam, jIchongbej
'uy'jaghpu' vIlegh
Hoch vIHoHchu'bej
SuvwI' jIH
toQDujDaq jIDegh
muneH, yIn ghap Hegh
SuvwI' jIH
toQDujDaq jIDegh
muneH, yIn ghap Hegh
muneH, yIn ghap Hegh

Qaolin In performance.
photo by Abby Dansinger from the Portland Mercury article
Click on the image to go to the Mercury article page.
Addicted to War
veS DaneHtaH
bomvIlq thlIngan Hol by Qaolin
HovpoH 10309.08
your lights are on, the room is empty
a force field surrounds your mind
your heart races, the blood screams
another battle calls to you
you don't sleep, you don't eat
You know you won't escape
your throat is closed you can't breathe
another battle calls to you
you think you are able to resist the influence
closer to true you can't get enough
you must realize you continuously need war
you see the message but you can't read it
you run yourself at different speed
your heart beats at double speed
another battle calls to you
Hungry as gagh, you wont save yourself
always, you wait for your blood to boil
if enough remains
you don't care if you take action
you think you are able to resist the influence
closer to true you can't get enough
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
your lights are on, the room is empty
a force field surrounds your mind
your heart races, the blood screams
another battle calls to you
you think you are able to resist the influence
closer to true you can't get enough
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
you must realize you continuously need war
poS wovghachlIj ,/ 'ach pa' chIm
yablIj / Dech Surchem
tIqlIj chung / jachtaH 'Iw
latlh Hargh / Duponglu'
DaQongbe' /, DaSopbe'
DanarghQo'/ DaSovbej
Soq HughlIj / DatlhuHbe'chu'
latlh Hargh / Duponglu'
whoa...moHgach Da'omlaH 'e' DaHar, HIja
vItgach Daq chollu' yap Dusuqbe'law'
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
QIn Dalegh 'ach/ DalaDbe'
Do joS / Duqet'egh
cha'logh Dos / tIqlIj Qaplu'
latlh Hargh/ Duponglu'
ghung qagh rur,/ toD'egh DaQo'
pub 'IwlIj / reHtaH DaloS
ratlhchugh / Duyaplu'meH
Davangchugh / DaSaHbe'
whoa- moHgach Da'omlaH 'e' DaHar, HIja'
vItgach Daq chollu' yap Dusuqbe'law'
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
poS wovghachlIj ,/ 'ach pa' chIm
yablIj / Dech Surchem
tIqlIj chung / jachtaH 'Iw
latlh Hargh / Duponglu'
whoa...moHgach Da'omlaH 'e' DaHar, HIja
vItgach Daq chollu' yap Dusuqbe'law'
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
veS DaneHtaH yItlhojqu'laH
''Reality is for people who can't handle drugs.''anonymous
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