IKV Raptor, Portland,Oregon
This is the ship many of the HOK serve on.
Tacoma Washington Klingons
Great battle partners
Hompage of a Linebrother in the land Down-under
CMO IKAV Dragon's Claw, Drunken Master, and
Juggler of the underpants
Home of our own Doqtaj. Her jewelry and image layering
Sacramento Star Trek band....too funny
Beautiful site...what more can I say
pasht lah cooks up a great site
House DarkH, Lair of Marine Khem'era of the Khemorex Klinzhai
tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh 'a'? The Klingon Language Institute
Advice and aid for the site builder
Da'Har Master Kragtowl rules here. A noble house
Denver, Colorado based Klingon iconoclasts
A visually stunning site
fun with action figures
Another series from the mind of John Schmidt of the IKV Deathgrip
Seattle Star Wars Society
worthy foes and fun to open up
This site is top-notch, high tech. (they must all work for Micro$oft)
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